Folding Walker

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Folding Walker

We are ,eading manufacturer and supplier of Folding Walker that has a contemporary looking strolling support that permits disabled and handicapped patients to stroll with certainty and provides all the confidence of walking. This is a standout amongst the most compact, versatile, simple to open and close walkers available.When collapsed, the portable Walker is around four times tiny than the normal walker. The foldable walker fits in little spaces like the overhead receptacle on a plane or a modest auto trunk. The immaculate design of the portable walker permits to fold and unfold the walker easitly. The walker can be easily folded up by simply raising the release lever with one hand and the walker collapses. To unfold the walker, simply slide the handles apart and walker can be unfolded for use.

The Walker manufactured and supplied by Saket ortho appliances is featured with lightweight but is very sturdy and strong that makes it long lasting, the walkers can support  body weight upto 250 lbs. The portable walker comes with a feature of height adjustment to adjusts to accommodate users from 4 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 8 inches easily. The front wheels and back wheels of the foldable walker made up of urethane that provides easy-glide for maneuvering over a variety of surfaces.

If you are looking for a folding walkers you can visit our online store for orthopedic products and buy foldable walker online


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